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Radio Frequency Treatment

20 minutes on our Radio Frequency machine.


Radio frequency (RF) therapy, also called radio frequency skin tightening, is a nonsurgical method of tightening your skin.The procedure involves using energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin known as your dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen.Collagen is the most common protein in your body. It creates the framework of your skin and gives your skin its firmness.As you age, your cells produce less collagen, which leads to sagging skin and wrinkles. Skin laxity occurs around age 35 to 40 when the quantity and quality of your collagen begins to decline.

4 - 6 sessions are recommended. This is an estimate, as each and every client is different.

Price R805 combo treatment Ultrasonic Cavitation & Radio Frequency (was R1,150)
Book 4 sessions and get the 5th session free! (R3,220 for 5 sessions)

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to see results?

Whether you did one treatment or several treatments, results are slightly noticeable right away and typically takes 8 sessions before you can see results in full affect.

How does it work?

Radio frequency skin tightening is a safe, effective anti-aging treatment for a number of different parts of the body. It is a popular treatment for the face and neck area. It can also help with loose skin around your belly or upper arms.

Is Radio Frequency Treatment body shaping safe?

Yes, the therapist will complete a medical questionnaire with you to make sure it is safe for you to undergo this kind of treatment. It is a nonsurgical procedure without anaesthesia, it is non-invasive (no cutting, leaves no scars or need post-operative course) and it allows for a full social life both before and after the sessions.

Is the treatment painful?

No, radio frequency is a completely painless treatment.

Radio Frequency & Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment

20 minutes on our Radio Frequency machine & 30 minutes on our cavitation machine.


Radio frequency (RF) therapy, also called radio frequency skin tightening, is a nonsurgical method of tightening your skin. The procedure involves using energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin known as your dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is the most common protein in your body. It creates the framework of your skin and gives your skin its firmness. As you age, your cells produce less collagen, which leads to sagging skin and wrinkles. Skin laxity occurs around age 35 to 40 when the quantity and quality of your collagen begins to decline.

Cavitation treatment - promotes and accelerates the body's metabolism (can be used after the laser Lipo. Radio Frequency treatment - assists with breaking down the blocked lymphatic nodules helps reduce cellulite.

3 - 4 sessions are recommended. This is an estimate, as each and every client is different.

R750 per session
Book 4 sessions and get the 5th session free! (R3000 for 5 sessions)

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to see results?

Whether you did one treatment or several treatments, results are slightly noticeable right away and typically takes 8 sessions before you can see results in full affect.

How does it work?

Radio frequency skin tightening is a safe, effective anti-aging treatment for a number of different parts of the body. It is a popular treatment for the face and neck area. It can also help with loose skin around your belly or upper arms.

The ultrasound cavitation creates bubbles in the liquid that surround the fat cells, which gradually grow, and implode. As the membranes of fat cells do not have the structural capacity to withstand the vibrations, the effect of ultrasonic cavitation easily breaks them, while sparing the vascular, nervous and muscular tissue.

What happens to the released fat with Cavitation Treatment?

After disruption and emulsification of the fat cells, liquid which makes up the fat cells, in the form of triglycerides, is released into the interstitial fluid between the cells. This fluid is then metabolised to glycerol and free fatty acids. Water soluble glycerol is absorbed by the circulatory system and used as the energy source, whereas the insoluble free fatty acids are transported to the liver and processed as fatty acids from food.

Is Radio Frequency Treatment & Ultrasonic body shaping safe?

Yes, the therapist will complete a medical questionnaire with you to make sure it is safe for you to undergo this kind of treatment. It is a nonsurgical procedure without anaesthesia, it is non-invasive (no cutting, leaves no scars or need post-operative course) and it allows for a full social life both before and after the sessions.

Is the treatment painful?

No, radio frequency and ultrasonic is a completely painless treatment.

Can I lose weight with Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment?

Cavitation therapy is NOT a method to lose weight but rather to shape the body. The treatment is used to reduce stubborn fatty pockets that just won’t go away with diet and exercise and to improve the appearance of cellulites.

Have any questions about which treatment or treatment combination will work best for your goals?

We're always open to discussing your specific wellness requirements. Please feel free to get In touch to discuss further.

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Cape Town - De Waterkant

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